“Monolingualism is the illiteracy of the 21st Century”
Time Magazine recently published an article that once again illustrates the plethora of benefits that kids gain by being bilingual and stresses the importance of giving children the opportunity to learn a second language. And starting the langage learning journey as early as possible!!
A move by state education officials to introduce an ambitious total immersion language educaton program in Utah in the US, arose out of ‘millenial parents’ (and the state) seeing the need for language education training. The move is less about globalisation – although that is a part of it – and more to do with realising the full potential of the nimble minds learning the languages and the benefits that learning a second language confers on them. Ignoring these benefits and advantages in a polyglot world, is done at one’s peril.
Research is increasingly showing that there is a difference in the brains of people who speak more than one language and that it’s for the better. From conflict resolution and multitasking to retention of the faculties for longer and improved cognitive function there is proof positive that bilingual or multilingual brains, although not necessarily smarter, are definitely more flexible and resourceful than those of their monlingual counterparts